Welcome to Profound Shift Hub

The community for those ready to evolve themselves, and evolve the world.

Only 1% of leaders reach the highest levels of ego development.

This scarcity of advanced leadership leaves us ill-prepared to forge meaningful solutions, perpetuating cycles of conflict and hindering sustainable progress on a global scale.

In a world transformed by artificial intelligence, the true competitive edge derives not from mere intellect or innovation, but from the expansive potential of advanced human development.

We are leaders committed to cultivating ourselves to the highest levels of ego development.

Ready to lead the change? Join us and become a visionary leader of tomorrow.

A Developmental Approach

Developmental growth is a continual process of making the invisible visible. Drawing from developmental psychology, we understand that individuals can ascend to increasingly expansive stages of development. Much like a contact lens, our current stage shapes how we see, make meaning, and take action in the world—yet, often, we are too embedded within this lens to recognize its influence. It remains in our blind spot.

At the Profound Shift Hub, our developmental practices are designed to gently remove this lens, allowing us to hold it in front of us and examine it closely. This crucial distance provides the opportunity to scrutinize the lens itself and its effects on our perceptions and actions. By understanding and adjusting our foundational perspectives, we unlock new ways of making meaning and new methods for action.

This enhanced clarity and expanded awareness empower us to navigate and thrive amidst complexity, preparing us to lead with foresight and adaptability in an ever-evolving world. 

How it Works

1. Take the Leadership Development Profile

  • Discover your current level of action logic (Identity Maturity). Our test also measures your Enneagram type, providing a holistic picture of your current action-logic and developmental path.

2. Get Your Profile Debrief and Growth Edge Interview

  • Understand your path to higher levels of development.

3. Receive Your Monthly Developmental Mini-Course

4. Practice With Your Coaching Pod

  • Learn and practice with 3-4 peers, usually meeting monthly.

5. Join the Monthly Group Sessions

  • Deepen your awareness, ask questions, get coached! All sessions led by Chris.

4. Interact on Our Community-Focused Digital Platform

  • Continuous support, discussion and monthly mini-courses all pulled together on the Mighty Networks platform.

5. Check Out Our Ongoing Special Events

  • From morning coffee talks, to adult development seminars to guest speakers. 

Chris Roberts
Integral Master Coach | Entrepreneur | 
Triathlete | Cyber Security Expert


As an Integral Master Coach, seasoned entrepreneur, triathlete, and cybersecurity expert, I've explored techniques that blend physical endurance, mental resilience, and advanced leadership skills. Through decades of navigating high-pressure environments, I've gained insights into the unique challenges leaders face and the transformative growth needed to excel. My approach merges the science of human development with hands-on experience in leading complex projects and teams, allowing me to support leaders in redefining success. I'm passionate about fostering a community dedicated to reaching the pinnacle of personal and organizational leadership capacity through a blend of rigorous methodology and a deep connection to human emotions and spirit.